My Date With Maitre Chocolatier @ Abreeza

I've been to Maitre Chocolatier for about 3 times already and it never fails to amaze me every time I make a visit to this boutique cafe.

What made this boutique cafe unique is every meal always comes with chocolate! It can be white, dark or milk chocolate and most of us are chocolate lovers and this gimmick is a big hit for those who love chocolates!

Now, after months of being occupied with classes, work, I made a visit again. But this time, I made sure that I will eat what is just right.

If you want to know the location of this branch, it's in Abreeza Mall in Davao - Restaurant Row beside Red Kimono.

While waiting for my order, I took some pictures. :D

This is the interior picture of this branch.

These chocolates are for sale. 

Front view.

Macro Shot.. again! :D

It's me, killing some time while waiting for my order.

This is my order. The Hungarian and White Chocolate Sandwich. It has hungarian sausage, white chocolate, some vegetables like cabbage, cucumber, white onions. It costs 136 Pesos.

Closer look.

See what's inside.. :D

Verdict: It's good! I actually like it! I'm satisfied with the taste. The hungarian sausage is a bit spicy but it's tolerable and it's delicious. Lots of  vegetables in the sandwich. The white chocolate is like a scrambled egg because of its texture but I can still taste it.

Rating: 4.5 over 5


  1. wow, that looks good. This is the first time that I've seen chocolate in an actual meal.

    1. yeah.. they do have chocolate as an ingredient in every meal. Maybe in my next visit, I will try their entrees.

  2. Aww I'd like to try but we're in Manila. Do they have any branches here?

    1. Yes! Actually this store originated in Manila. Can't remember the exact branches.

  3. i guess this is a must try and newfood to eat for me. haven't tried sandwich with chocolate haha xx

  4. I have never tasted a sandwich with chocolate. That sounds fantastic.

  5. Now, this is my kind of a cafe! :D The bf and I both love chocolate and anything with both chocolates and some light snacks on the menu is a winner for us :D Hope there's a Maitre Chocolatier too in Manila.

    1. They do have branches in Manila. Don't know where they are located. :D

  6. Looks so good. I haven't tried white chocolate on sandwich. Such an interesting idea. The place looks so cozy to. I would love to visit the place. :)

    1. Yes, it is cozy! It's why I love visiting their place. :)

  7. I believed it was not an accident that I saw this post :) Haha. This is definitely a must-try!! :)

    1. It's not an accident. Hehe!

      And I agree, it is a must try.. :)

  8. I never tried chocolates in a sandwich, it looks good though.

  9. That chocolate sandwich made me hungry. Nice shots and even nice foods in there that we really should try!

    1. Thanks! :D

      Order their sandwich right now! hehe! :D

  10. I also love that place! Perfect for de-stressing. Chocolates overload :))))

    1. Yeah! Chocolates overload! :D

      I love the place too! It makes me feel relaxed.. :)

  11. How romantic dating with Chocolatier. How was your date with her?...Hehehehehe...anyway super love this place and I love sweets and chocolates.

    1. The date was great! wahehe!

      Thanks for the visit! :)

  12. The first time I ate the sandwich, I can't almost recognize the white chocolate but when I tasted it, it's indeed white chocolate. Although the taste is so subtle as I really can't see the white chocolate in the sandwich.


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