Délicieux French Macaron!

When I think of French Macaron, it's a kind of macaron that has a filling being sandwiched by the cookies. I never knew how it taste like since I don't buy one. Also consider the price that can be up to 30 Pesos per piece! At first, I don't understand why they have to make it 30. They can just go lower instead.

When my mom brought home French Macarons, I was excited to taste this dessert! I was like a kid again! Anyway, these French Macarons come with different flavors. I've tasted the coffee flavor and it was good!

I've tasted this one also but I don't know the flavor of it. *Sigh*

Macarons are sweet and delicious. For those who love sweets and those who are curious, this dessert is a must try! When you bite it, you can taste all sorts of flavors! From the cookies itself to the filling, it's a cloud nine! Why it tastes sweet? Because of the sugar in it. :D

Now I know why it's expensive. Every bite of a French Macaron counts! For instance, I fell in love with it! Since French Macaron are now available here in Davao, they are now easy to find. Go ahead and try this sweet dessert! 

Thanks for reading! :D


  1. Words can't describe how delicious French Macaroons are.

  2. sometimes Macaroons are over priced. But try Tous Les Jours Macaroons if they have one near your place the price is almost the same. The price is a bit high because it's not that easy to make macaroons

  3. French macarons are too little and soo expensive. I bought one and felt disappointed when I tasted it. It's only like pasensya cookies. :O

  4. yummy, i love this macaroon. pricey but worth it naman.

  5. i love macaron especially strawberry and lemons :)

  6. this is so yummy im so gonna have one of this on my bday hehe ang expensive dito ih xx

  7. One of my weaknesses! Up to now I am still on the lookout of fine tasting French Macarons :)

  8. French Macaron very easy to cook. Problem is TAMAD AKOng magluto nyan kasi mabusisi. hehehehehe

  9. I love these macaroons :) Good thing they're here in Davao!

  10. I am not fond of eating Macarons but your post makes me crave for it.

  11. They look more like Yo-yos or pancake. But basically, the color scheme alone can compliment to my taste bud on macarons. Amybe a bit expensive and classy but heck, if its delicious, why not?

  12. Saan yan sa Davao?


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