Annipie: Your Cinnamon Destination

February 13, 2013 - While going to school, I decided to have a quick snack but never expected to land in a place where I can also be comfortable at the same time.

Annipie is known for its various flavors of cinnamon bread thus the slogan fits perfectly to their store! They also sell bars, cakes and meals. You can tell that it's not just home for cinnamon breads. :D

Annipie - Malvar Branch
Annipie has 3 branches as of today. 1st branch is in Lanang, 2nd branch in Quimpo Blvd. and their latest branch in Malvar.

Inside Annipie - Malvar Branch is relaxing, fit for those who want to have some quiet time, study their lessons for the upcoming pop quiz, or just chill out with some friends while munching their food. Outside (at the back) offers more seats for those customers who unluckily ran out of seats. That means.. no choice.. :D

Like what I've said, Annipie has a lot of variations to cinnamon bread. You can choose from cheese, cappuccino, chocolate, etc. Below are the bars that can be ordered for take out. I've eaten their bars and so far, butterscotch is my favorite! You can never be satisfied with only 1 piece of it!

They also have cakes that can be eaten inside Annipie. I haven't tried it though. Maybe in my next visit will do. But for now, I'll just stick with their cinnamon breads. :D

Honestly, I had a hard time choosing their cinnamon breads as they all look delicious! I chose a cinnamon bread with cappuccino and chocolate sprinkles on top, drizzled with syrup. When they placed my order in the table, it looked so delicious already! The syrup added a great touch to the cinnamon bread that can entice the customers to eat!

Price: 35 Pesos

The taste is sweet (as expected) but not damaging to my teeth! Usually, if I happen to eat sweet foods, my teeth reacts. But with this one, I was so glad it didn't react the way I expected to. The good thing is, I chose cappuccino which is not sweet. The syrup added the sweetness to the desert which I really love!

Just look at that! Who couldn't resist this syrup? The syrup can make a dessert more mouthwatering and I tell you, it can feast the eyes of every food lover!

My "quick" snack was worth it! I was able to enjoy the cinnamon bread in an affordable price! I hope I could visit their store again and this time, enjoy the place, eat great food! Thanks Annipie for the great snack! And oh, visit their branches too! You'll not regret it! 

Thanks for reading! :D

If you want to know more about Annipie, visit their Facebook Page:


  1. Your food blog is getting better and better.Love your post buddy

  2. More than just a cinnamon haven. I miss their chocolate eclairs :)

  3. I love Cinnamon and Annie Pie's version looks really sweet and delicious. I want one.

  4. omg! i am a sucker of cinnamons! i love them espcially the smell just melts me everytime yumymu

  5. The cinnamon reminds of cinnabon which is really one of my favorite cinnamons.

  6. I love cinnamon bread or buns as always... I hope this one is not that sweet.

  7. I love Anniepie's cinnamon! We used to hang out there last sem :) Especially as we study!

  8. The cinammon bread really does look nice. I hope I get to try it.

  9. Cinnamon roll and coffee are the perfect partners. Sugar overload. :) Always have water at the side. :)

  10. I love eating pies and cinnamon and just by the look of those pies from that store I'd definitely want to try one.

  11. salivating by now. i love cinnamons but no stores yet here in Manila.

  12. i love to eat foods with cinnamon! cinnamon roll and hot vanilla choco is my favorite.. so mouthwatering! :)

  13. The foods are so tempting. Looks awesomely yummy!


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