Kadayawan Sa Dabaw 2015: Schedule of Events

Photo from: Davao City Tourism Facebook Page
 August 2, 2015 - Hearing the drums, agongs, kulintangs makes your feet stomp uncontrollably especially when you're in the streets to witness this wonderful festival that is Kadayawan sa Dabaw 2015! 

Kadayawan sa Dabaw is a week-long festival filled with activities that you have to arrange your itineraries as much as possible to witness the spectacular events carefully prepared for the residents, local and foreign tourists. 

If there are events that you should never miss; It's the Indak-Indak sa Kadalanan which falls on August 22, 2015 (Saturday) and the beautiful Pamulak sa Kadalanan or Floral Float Parade which is scheduled on the next day (August 23, 2015). 

If you want to plan for your trip and witness several events on this year's Kadayawan sa Dabaw, please refer to the photo below. :D

Photo from: Davao City Tourism Facebook Page
What are you waiting for? Book a flight, plan your itinerary and enjoy the festivities here in Davao City. Join us as we celebrate Kadayawan sa Dabaw 2015! :D


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