Going Persian @ Alibaba Shawarma

March 25, 2017 - I've been craving for shawarma ever since its existence and good thing, there are stores who serve shawarmas here in Davao. When my friend Karen told me about Alibaba Shawarma in Damosa, this was the perfect time for us to try them. Well, since I know how to eat, I might as well accomplish eating them. :D

Our day was filled with activities and shooting for our movie and we never thought to be so exhausted. We also went to Gaisano Mall to do my duty as one of the exhibitors during the Mindanao Toy Convention event. Well, we just went there for a while then proceeded to Damosa, Lanang to eat at Alibaba Shawarma.

When I looked at their menu, I internally screamed that all of them are beef and chicken! They're something that I can eat! Well, I've been wanting to eat a kebab for a very long time, I ordered their Beef Wrap Kebab. It's priced at 130 Pesos and it's pretty generous for someone like me who has a small appetite! :D

With their Beef Wrap Kebab, I've seen generous amount of vegetables such as cabbage, cucumbers and the beef kebab with white garlic sauce drizzled on top. I've made a research on google on the sizes of beef kebab and I must say, this beef kebab is pretty thin. They could've made the kebab bigger.

But, the taste of my Beef Wrap Kebab is delicious though. It may be thin but it's packed with flavors which I'm satisfied. I drizzled with more white garlic sauce for more taste and it's much better. Every bite of my kebab is always drizzled with the sauce and I enjoyed eating! But with a thicker beef kebab, this would solve my hunger problem. I may be a glutton because of it but no regrets. :D

My friend Karen on the other hand ordered Beef Alibaba Special. It's priced at 129 Pesos which it surprised me since it's 1 Peso cheaper than my kebab. It's also big for a price that is affordable and could solve a brunch for a person who tend to forget to eat breakfast and wants to skip lunch.

When I saw the Beef Alibaba Special, there were slices of beef and the serving is a lot generous than my kebab. And considering that the price of her order is cheaper by a peso, I felt injustice and unfairness at that moment that would escalate to war of words that needs clarification and thorough explanation on why my beef kebab is more expensive than her order. Yeah, I'm lamenting as of this moment since my beef kebab seemed to underwent some diet or some sort of detoxification because of its thinness.. Well, what can I do, this happened already. :-)

Anyway, the Beef Alibaba Special had several slices of beef with various vegetables that were wrapped with so much love which made me envy by a mile. The good thing was, I tasted the Beef Alibaba Special with a special permission from Karen. When I tasted it, it was totally different from my kebab.

While my beef kebab was a bit sweet, this one was on a different route of flavor though, it didn't hit my taste buds right ahead but I could see myself enjoying the Beef Alibaba Special in the future since it had so much to offer than my beef kebab. Nonetheless, I was still able to enjoy my beef kebab and I'm pretty sure I can order the Beef Alibaba Special soon. :-)

Since it's not enough that we just ordered the kebab and alibaba special, we added French Fries just for total occupancy of our tummy. When this was served on our table, we were in a pleasant surprise as it had sprinkles of parsley all over the fries which it can be a guilty and non-guilty pleasure. It's placed in a cone and together with three sauces to choose from, it made everything more presentable and pleasing to our eyes. :D

When we tasted the fries, we were surprised on how tasty it was especially the addition of parsley. It went to a whole different level literally and this was a great treat for us! We tried the fries in three different sauces namely: White Garlic Sauce, Tomato Ketchup and the hot sauce. I can say that the hot sauce they had was really hot and avoided it since I can't handle that level of spiciness. It's better paired with Tomato Ketchup and White Garlic sauce. They can be even combined to a better flavor but it's up to you if you'll do it. :D

Well, we had so much fun munching their food and we were satisfied! Their beef kebab can be a bit thicker though since there would be big eaters who would demand bigger servings of their kebab and they should address this tiny problem. But I have no question on flavors though. Their French Fries was a bomb! With that parsley, it tasted a lot better!

Alibaba Shawarma is a place to be for those who want to try Persian cuisine. There are more Persian restaurants here in Davao and this one is on the list. If you're in Damosa area, this place is just near you and if you want a hearty lunch or dinner, this place might fit for your cravings. Thanks to my friend Karen for recommending this place for our dinner. We had so much fun munching their food! :-)

Thanks for reading!

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