Monday Trip @ G-Mall and Cecil's

Since it's holiday and had nothing to do, it's another time for Monday Suroy courtesy of.... me! :D
My last Monday Suroy was at D'bone Collector's Museum and Abreeza. This time, it's G-Mall and Cecil's.

My main reason to visit G-Mall is to try Happy Lemon which is located at "The Peak." I also had a chance to visit the 5th floor and I took some pictures. The floor area is.. small and there are new stores opened. It's still warm since the air-conditioner is not yet functioning. Anyway, enough of the talk and lemme show the pictures.. :D

Anyway, I'll have a separate entry for The Peak. It includes my visit to Happy Lemon and other stores.

On my way to G-Mall. 

New Stores

 Cafe France. This is just one of the 2 branches here in G-Mall. The other one is in The Peak. Don't worry, I also have a picture of it. :D 

Tomato. 1st in Davao.

G-Mall Atrium. Big huh! 


This is the 5th floor of G-Mall. As I've said earlier, it has a small area compared to lower floors. Here are some stores that opened.

Actually, this store has no name. I dunno if they'll put the name or remain anonymous. But as what I've seen, these are the toys that are displayed during Toy Conventions here in Davao.

Comic Alley. A haven for cosplayers. :D

New location of Bingo.

Still under development (Just like my blogsite. hehe! :D)

After my visit at the Peak (which it will have a separate entry), since my stomach was not satisfied, from The Peak, I head straight to Euro Cafe. It's located at the lower ground of the mall.

This is the table with a television. Nice isn't it? I wonder if they are the owner of Maligaya Taxi since they also have a television inside the taxi.

One of my favorite hobby that I reaaaalllyyy miss.. doing a macro shot.

This is what I ordered. It's a mango crepe. Do you think it's expensive? Think again. It's just 74 pesos with Ice Cream! Affordable isn't it?

Macro Shot... again...

But look what's inside the crepe. It's mango jelly.. I was expecting a real mango inside the crepe. It's still delicious though, unlike what we ate at the Serendra last December 2009.

After eating my snack, I had time to watch the show (remember, the television in my table) and it was funny. Just sharing.

Anyway, I left the table and went outside G-Mall. It's still early to go home. So I called my mom and asked where she is. She's at Cecil's Sta. Ana Branch. It's near to my location and since I'm still hungry, I went to Cecil's.

Cecil's is just a walking distance from G-Mall so I decided to just take a walk.

This is Cecil's Sta. Ana Branch. It's easy to find actually. just look at this building and BINGO! :D 

Cecil's is known to have delicious desserts and I believed in it. This is one of the desserts that I love to eat.

This is Brazo de Mercedes. Okay, not her actual arm.

What made me love this dessert is the filling at the center. YUUUUMMM! 
And it's just 45 pesos per slice.

This is the interior pic of Cecil's. it's big actually compared to other branches here in Davao.

This is the eclair. It's just 35 pesos.

Chocolate Cake. I dunno the price since my mom just gave this to me. I ate it of course. :D

And this ends my Monday Suroy. It's a lot of fun! and i just ate desserts, desserts and desserts! All of them are delicious and affordable. 

Hope to eat more food once again.. :D

Next one will be my trip at The Peak. Just wait for it.. 

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