A Cozy Dinner @ Cellar de Boca, SM Lanang Premier

I've known Cellar de Boca when they were located at Rizal Street with Claude's, a French restaurant. Last year, they've opened their 2nd branch at SM Lanang Premier beside Bistro Selera.

Last January 12, 2013, me and my blogger friend Ganessa had dinner at their branch at SM Lanang Premier. It was our first time to dine and of course, blog about it! :D

As we went inside, we can already feel the cozy and home-like atmosphere of the restaurant. It seems like we're home for our delicious dinner!

The atmosphere is so inviting that it made me want to go inside for many times already! The interior made me remind of a Spanish restaurant especially the design and furniture.

I just love how they arranged the frames on the wall. It's simple yet attractive to my eyes. The wall columns added attraction to the restaurant.

If you take a closer look at the chandelier, you'll notice that it's made of wine bottles! For those who are behind this creative chandelier, it's so cool!

In Cellar de Boca, they have a bar section where you can order several kinds of wine to choose from. I drink wine occasionally but someday, I would love to try their wine.

Look! more bottle of wines to choose from! I honestly love drinking wine. Whenever there are parties or events, if they happen to serve good wine, I always want a glass of it. But of course, I don't go home drunk! :D

My friend Ganessa ordered a glass of wine. The glass of wine costs 200 Pesos while if you want to order a bottle, it will cost 1000 Pesos. Pretty expensive!

I ordered Chicken Salpicao. It consists of chicken, garlic and olive oil with carrots and string beans as garnish. The dish was aromatic because of the garlic. I chose garlic rice. The other one was plain rice.

Price: 195 Pesos

The dish was delicious! adding garlic in the dish was just perfect as it gives more flavor to the chicken. In order for the chicken to be tasty, it needs a distinct flavor. My friend also loved the Chicken Salpicao! The vegetables were also delicious and it's because, I'm a veggie freak! :D

Ganessa ordered Steak a la Pobre. It consists of circular beef steak topped with minced garlic and sauce. Mashed potatoes and vegetables are on the side. It was cooked well done.

Price: 350 Pesos

The good thing is, she shared with me her beef steak and had a taste of it. It's chewy but not as hard as other imperfectly cooked beef dish. The beef was also delicious! It's just like when I ate at Hog's Breath Cafe. I like it!

This is my friend Ganessa. She was with me during the whole dinner and we talked about blogging, our life and of course.. our next food trip! This time, we want to take our other friend to our escapades next time.

Our dinner was so good! I was about to order pasta but I've had too much pasta these days! Cellar de Boca is really cozy and homey. I felt the warmth and at the same time, I had good food! The prices were reasonable and it's perfect to eat at dinner time (Just my opinion!). Until the next food trip!

Thanks for reading! :D


  1. The pictures are sinful! nice review... til next time :)

  2. lots of spicy foods,hope next tym u'll invite me on you dinner hihihi..

  3. it's not spicy but full of garlic, yes.

  4. The ambiance is perfect for meeting up with friends. :)

  5. The place looks perfect for a date or gathering among friends and the food is presented very well.

  6. Great to see them hold up to the cozy ambiance that they have at Rizal Street in a Mall setting like SM Lanang Premier! Libreha ko diha next time bi? Haha.

  7. This is seems to be an interesting place to hangout with friends. Last week, I was in Cellar de Oboza. It was pure relaxation. Well, I cannot compare the two because Oboza's chillax garden feel captured my soul. :)

  8. Atay ka Kevin! haha! perti ka poor nako ron.. hahay...

    Dust- lagi.. feel at home lang kaayo ang atmosphere..

  9. I love the wine bottles. I could do a DIY from that idea noh? By the way, the beak steak looks sinful!

  10. I wanna try this soon. The food looks delicious!

  11. Yeah! you should try their food! I wanna taste their pasta dishes soon! haay, if naa lang time and enough money.. :D

  12. sure Nat! I'll be reading your blog entry about their food. :D

  13. Ooohh, I want to dine here soon. Pero, do they have other beverages other than wine?

  14. yup.. naa man.. like beer, sodas.. :D

  15. The bottle-glass chandelier is interesting. I'm surprised that the food was as good as Hog's Breath. That's a compliment!

  16. Yeah! their steak really is like from Hog's Breath and I like it! The meat was so good!

  17. I want to dine here very soon, the foods and wine are tempting! o.O :)

  18. You should dine at their resto soon. I haven't tasted the wine but my friend said that the wine was good. I better try it next time.

  19. Jonas, I like the interiors sa restaurant. Modern meets colonial. and very textured. Haven't tried the food yet. hmm. will do soon.


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