Oishi Gourmet Picks

While we were having a grocery shopping at SM Supermarket here in Davao, I found in the snacks section the new Oishi Gourmet Picks.

What made me want to buy the snacks were the unique flavors. For that, I bought two different flavors and brought them home.

Gourmet Picks is one of the new products made by Oishi. They introduced two unique flavors that are close to what it really tastes like.

Price: 21.50 Pesos

This is the Kimchi flavor. The color depicts itself from the real kimchi but it's kind of.. orange.. The taste is of the real kimchi. You can taste the spicy flavors in it and I can tell it's like eating a kimchi with a crunch!

The other one is the nori and wasabe flavor. I've tasted both flavors so I know exactly how it really tastes like. Right from the first bite, you can feel the wasabe flavor of the chips! The nori flavor comes next. The good thing is, it's tolerable so you can enjoy the snacks but the wasabe flavor is so strong that you may just stop eating them! hehe!

All I can is, the kimchi and nori & wasabe flavored chips got the real flavors of real kimchi and nori & wasabe! If you're into spicy food, this is perfect for you! At least, you can buy them in an affordable price. If you want kimchi and nori & wasabe for snacks, try the Gourmet Picks!  You'll be having fun.. In a crunch! :D

Thanks for reading! 


  1. I just posted the price above.. It's for the small ones though.. hehe! :D

    The big ones are like 72 Pesos I guess. I'm not sure..

  2. the wasabi sounds very yummy! i am not fond ofeating chips though i eat like one piece of couple. though believe me i think i am losing the enjoyment of life not eating chips haha this ones looks very yummy xx


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