Tokyo Tokyo says "Konbanwa!"

The last time I visited Tokyo Tokyo was when we had an exclusive event for the bloggers and I had the chance to try their food served in a buffet style. If you want to know more about the event, just click here.
Tokyo Tokyo Event.

It was yesterday evening when I decided to have dinner at SM Lanang since it was almost 7 PM when I went to Tokyo Tokyo. I was browsing at their menu and I took time choosing a meal for me to eat that night. I ended up ordering Beef Sukiyakidon with drinks since they recommended the meal for me. I added 1 order of California Maki (45 Pesos) if my dinner was not enough.

To my surprise, I thought Beef Sukiyakidon was just a small bowl .
But it's NOT!
It's so big that I was thinking if it's possible to finish the whole thing in the bowl.

Beef Sukiyakidon is like a big feast! It's like a harmony of ingredients in a big bowl! 
The ingredients that I recognized were beef (of course), carrots, shitake mushrooms, rice noodles, rice, the sauce, and tofu (I think).
Price: 99 Pesos with drinks

The good thing is.. I finished my meal! whew! The ingredients really blended well especially the sauce which it gave an all around umami taste of Beef Sukiyakidon. The shitake mushrooms was so good! The beef tasted great! The meal was so affordable yet, my tummy was so satisfied. YUUUUUMM!

I brought home the California Maki and I just used my cellphone camera. My nephew borrowed the digicam. :D


  1. I love Tokyo Tokyo especially their Teriyaki and also their Sukiyakodon and also their Sumo Meals.

  2. I want to try their burgers.. I think they're delicious too!


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