Panorama And How I Got Addicted To This..

July 1, 2013 - When we talk about panorama, we think about a great picture that covers almost everything in the surroundings. I've always hoped of taking panoramic pictures and I find them amazing to look at.

When my dad swapped his cellphone, he gave it to me since he didn't like the new cellphone and switched to the old one where he knows better. I explored the phone including the camera and found the panorama feature which made me so happy!

To my excitement, I took pictures around my house and although there were lots of attempts to get a perfect panoramic picture, it was lots of fun! Here are some of the panoramic pictures. Have fun! :D

Note: I'm currently using Alcatel Soleil for these pictures. :D

SM City Davao Supermarket

Our Subdivision

Gaisano Mall of Davao

Davao City Skyline

There you have it! I hope you've enjoyed my panoramic pictures! Here are the tips on how to produce a great panoramic photo:

- If you have a camera or a cellphone that has panorama feature, you're ready to take a panoramic picture.
- When taking panoramic picture, press the button (In cellphones, touch the circle on the right).
- After pressing the button, start from the left and slowly move to the right.
- Make sure that it's not blurry when taking a panoramic photo
- When done, review the photo and if you're satisfied with the result, show the picture to your family and friends and you can even post the photo on Facebook, Flickr or just anywhere!

All I can say is, have fun taking panoramic pictures! It's so easy yet it can achieve amazing results! Grab a camera or cellphone and start practicing! :D

Adieu! Thanks for reading!  


  1. Samsung mobile units have this feature also. I used to take pictures in a panoramic view, I like it but I am not proud of my output..hehee.. good job Jonas.

    1. Thanks! I do have lots of attempts of doing a panoramic shots and there were lots of failures but it seems like it works in a specific surroundings or what.

      Doing a panoramic shot using Samsung is much easier than Alcatel Soleil though they produce same result. But if I were to be asked, I prefer Samsung since it doesn't stop right ahead unlike Alcatel Soleil.

      But I still like my phone anyway.. :D

    2. I think you should also try doing panoramic shot at The Peak... You should be a photographer.. (h)

    3. The last picture actually is from the Peak. I tried taking a picture at the Peak few times but my phone doesn't allow me to complete the panoramic shot.

      I could have used the Samsung since I can really do a panoramic shot in any angle. Oh well.. hehe! :D

  2. I also like taking panoramic photos. Glad my iphone5 is capable of doing so. You take nice photos by the way.

    1. Thanks! I never thought I would take such nice photos! :D

  3. Ang ganda pala ng shots ng Alcatel Soleil ah. Nice shots Jon! I always have a hard time with panoramic shots on my phone so I will try your suggestions :)

    1. What phone are you using right now? I might lend you a help. :D

  4. I have not tried the panorama feature on my phone yet and this inspired me to use it! =)

    1. Try it! you might love the panorama feature and even get addicted to it!

      Promise, once you get the hang of it, you'll do it all over again! hehe! :D

  5. the second photo is really neat.. I used to do panoramic shots pero never got the chance to master it...

    1. Thanks! doing panorama shots on cellphone is actually easy. ;)

  6. I have a fascination too for panoramic shots, although I haven't tried taking lots myself. I've only taken panoramic photos a few times when I was testing my sister's camera, my dad's phone and my bf's new phone :)) Anyway, you have really nice panoramic shots! I think it'd be interesting if you take a panorama of the nightlights in Davao :)

    1. Thanks a lot!

      As much as I want to do panoramic shots at night, I think my phone is not capable enough of night shots coz it gets blurry when I do panoramic shots. But I think other phones might do the trick. :D

  7. Everything looks natural and everything is in its perspective view, once a scene, a landscape, or any view for that matter when it is pictured in its panoramic view. Good job!

    1. Thanks! When I found a place that is perfect for panorama, I would take that chance to do it. There are times that I can't get a perfect scene because my cellphone restricted me to do so. But there are scenes that are just so perfect and I upload them in PC.. :D

  8. i dont really know what is going on with my camera but I cant seem to use the feature, i do as the manual say but still i cant make it work... but I will try and try till i get the grip of it... nice share

    1. May I know what phone are you using right now? Maybe I could help with that.. ;)

  9. Haven't tried to use panorama on my celphone yet. This gave me an idea. I am usually tamad to explore the settings kase. My hubby is the one who changes the settings on my phone.

    1. Try it! It's fun! And oh, explore your phone more. :)

  10. Wow! got skills sa pagtatake na panorama... (h)

  11. I've always wanted to try panoramic photography!! I have a digicam that has panoramic features but I just cannot do it! it really takes some skills..

    1. It's easier to do panoramic shots on cellphone. Trust me.. :)

  12. (h) you captured great using panorama, I also tried this before and I love the result x-)

  13. I love panoramic photos. I've always thought it takes special skill and equipment to be ale to come up with one. Now I know it isn't that complicated. Thanks! :)

    1. No it's not complicated. Just grab a phone that has the capability of taking a panorama picture and you're good to go! :D

  14. I have a panorama feature in my point and shoot and I like using it. I did not know that my Samsung had one...will check it out too. Your pictures are so nice :)

    1. Thanks! You can use your Samsung phone if it has panoramic feature. It's fun! :D

  15. I'm a big fan of shooting panoramic shots, especially from my phone (via an app). Your Alcatel phone produces crisp photos ah! Ü

    1. Thanks to my Alcatel Soleil! I didn't expect that my phone can produce crisp photos! :D

  16. No doubt that you love panorama shots, Jonas! I don't take panorama shots but I want to try soon :)

    1. You have to try and you'll love taking panoramic shots like me! :D

  17. I love the photos. I tried doing panoramic shots but I can't produce beautiful photos just like what you have in there! Also, it doesn't look like they were taken via mobile phone. They looked like captured using a decent camera. Great job :)

    1. Thanks!

      If you're doing panoramic shots, make sure that the angle is wide enough for you to cover the entire surroundings. :D

  18. I love Panoramas!
    Its a perfect frame to showcase a particular landscape in just one photo.
    Regarding how to take panoramas though is a challenge, as phone camera would have their own software on how to stitch photos side by side. so one suggestion would not necessarily work with the other.
    SOme camera need software editing tools.
    most of the time, I just crop my photos to 10x6 as the regular panorama size.
    take note though, this can only be done in photos shot in wide angles.
    Otherwise, the stitching of photos would have to do

    1. I agree about some camera needing a software editing tools just to stitch the photos into one panoramic shot.

      I tried to do panoramic shot using my digicam but when I searched on the internet on how to do a panoramic shot, it required a photoshop to do the trick and I find it tricky and difficult since I don't really do edits on photos.

      And I agree that the panoramic shot can only be done with wide angles. Maybe that's why some of my pictures can't completely capture the whole place in one picture.

      And thanks for the visit! :D

  19. After reading this post, making panoramas seem very easy these days thanks to technology.

    1. It is easier and simplified, perfect for the beginners like me.. :D

  20. I'm not good at panorama shots - even just looking into one because my poor brain can't process the information that this shot is made of the 360-degree perception of the observer :D But great shots here. I just try to imagine curling the picture to make the ends meet pero hindi ko pa rin ma gets hahha not your fault, by the way :D

  21. Nice shots fora newbie panorama photographer. Why not try doing aerial panoramic shots.

    1. That would be a challenge for me and thanks too! :D

  22. I think I've only tired Panorama twice and never did it again. I'm more of an Instagram person and I want my photos to fit well on Instagram without using the InstaSize app. Hihi :>)


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