Gonuts Donuts' Cronuts: The Craze Continues

October 11, 2013 - Cronuts is slowly invading Davao as Gonuts Donuts introduced their own version of cronuts! When Algene invited me to taste their cronuts, I signed up right away and chose to visit their branch in Abreeza at 3 P.M. Since the President's Month Kick-Off at Grand Regal Hotel ends at 3:30 P.M., I had to leave early minutes before the taste test event starts.

As soon as I arrived at the venue, I spotted Sarah G. and Anna Liza then I entered the store. Few minutes later, Andrew and his friends arrived then a little later, Sharee joined us. The Gonuts Donuts team made us sit in the designated place for us to start the taste test of their cronuts.

The cronuts
The cronuts craze here in Davao is spreading like wildfire! As of this moment, there are already three stores offering cronuts. The first one being Cafe France, second is The French Baker and the latest one is Gonuts Donuts. Unlike other cronuts that are baked, they fry their cronuts thus the color seemed to appear darker. They are coated with granulated sugar to add sweetness into it. It kinda reminds me of Otap which is a delicacy in Cebu.

The Cronuts
From L-R:  Strawberry Jam, Peaches & Cream, Apple Cinnamon, Blueberry Cream Cheese and Chocolate Almond
Not in picture: Sugar Coated

This is the Strawberry Jam Cronut. They've used pure strawberry to make a jam. This cronut has a cream filling to add more flavor.

As a strawberry lover, it tasted perfectly and surprisingly, the flavors of sugar and strawberry jam complemented very well with the cronut! Although I haven't tasted the filling which could add more flavor to the cronut.

This is the Peach & Cream Cronut. On top, it has whipped cream with chunks of peaches. Of all the cronuts, this one caught my eyes and it looked vibrant!

Among the cronuts they have, this one's my favorite. The filling inside the cronut goes well with the whipped cream and peach although a bit sweet, this was delicious and would love to eat this one again.

This is the Apple Cinnamon Cronut. This cronut has an apple jam on top although when I saw the picture, it has chunks of apple on it.

I rank this cronut my second favorite. I love cinnamon and its essence made prevalent of this cronut but I have one problem though: The apple was not in the scene and I didn't knew that there should be chunks of apple on top.

Well, this cronut was tasty but I do hope to see chunks of apple on top of this cronut next time.

This is the Blueberry Cream Cheese. This cronut has blueberry on top with cream cheese filling.

When I tasted this cronut, this was too sweet for me because of the sugar that coated the cronut. While eating this cronut, one important ingredient went missing and it was the cream cheese filling.

I do hope they'll fill this cronut with cream cheese to give justice to its name. Nonetheless, this was delicious but too sweet for my taste buds.

This is the Chocolate Almond Cronut. On top is the chocolate ganache and almond nuts. This one also looks attractive to my eyes.

What I love on this cronut is the chocolate ganache since it was not sweet thus it made a great contrast with the sugar. The almond nuts tasted so good and combined with this cronut very well.

This is my third pick among other cronuts I've eaten.

If you want to bring your cronuts at home, they have a special box made for them! They have a small box for an individual cronut while a big one that can bring as much as a dozen of cronuts.

Each cronuts are priced at 75 Pesos. Therefore, if you want to buy a dozen, it will cost 900 Pesos.

Davao Bloggers with the Gonuts Donuts Team
Thank you so much Gonuts Donuts for the delectable cronuts, to Algene for inviting me and fellow bloggers for this cronuts taste test, to the Gonuts Donuts team for being so accommodating and answering our questions regarding the cronuts. The unfortunate thing is, I wasn't able to try their Sugar Coated Cronut but it's okay! But I really hope that they'll fill in their cronuts with lots of cream until it oozes so that our 75 Pesos will be worth spent! I would love to eat the cronuts again especially the Peach & Cream! :D

What are you waiting for? Buy some cronuts and join the craze! If you're here in Davao, they're available in Gaisano Mall of Davao and Abreeza branches.

Adios! Thanks for reading!

If you want to know more about Gonuts Donuts, click the ff. links below:
- Website: Click here!
- Facebook: Click here!


  1. Honestly, I hate donuts and the likes. But I do attest that they are too yummy to resist. Seems the cronuts price is quite affordable naman.

  2. demm, those look good! We do not have dunkin donuts or krispy kreme in an area (i know, lame!) so when I went to Frankfurt I brought home so much to my hubby's delight. now, I hope I could try cronuts soon too! :/

    1. Try it here in Davao! I'm sure your trip here will be worth it! And oh, bring home a dozen of cronuts! :)

  3. OMG, those are yummy donuts. Its hard to resist since its one of my favorites.

    1. It's cronuts.. But yeah, they're hard to resist.. :)

  4. Oh my those are yummy looking Donuts, I would love to try that Chocolate Almond :)

    1. It's cronuts. But the Chocolate Almond is yummy! :D

  5. oh i want some, they look so good..

  6. That's a big sized donuts. Looks so delicious.

    1. It's cronuts. But I agree with you, they look delicious! :D

  7. I haven’t tasted any cronuts. I think that’s pricey. I’d rather buy a whole piece of cake. He-He. The peach and cream cronut, looked yummy by the way.

    1. They really are pricey as the process of creating cronuts are difficult. Nonetheless, it's delicious and you've got to taste one.. :)

  8. You are such a teaser, every time I visit your blog, I drool hahaha.

    1. Hahaha! I'm sorry but I just love food so much! :D

  9. Holy asvuwbrieru!!!!

    Drooling here!

  10. Hahahahaha! I am becoming very very curious with those cronuts. I guess I have to try them so that my curiosity will stop. Hehehehehe! I have heard 1 place in Cebu that makes yummy cronuts and its Madeleine in Waterfront Hotel in Lahug.

    1. What are you waiting for? Head in that place and munch in! :D

  11. What an Awesome post. Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading. Thanks for the share.

  12. Hi, your blog contains interesting stuff. Cro Nuts are looking yummy. Thanks for sharing the information.


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