Top Tea - On Top!

October 9, 2013 - Do I love milk tea? Yes! How about exploring stores who serve a different kind of milk tea? Super yes! Well, this was the day that I found a new place where they serve milk tea and it's located at Torres Street just across the Angel Funeral Homes.

Top Tea
This is one of the newest milk tea shop to open here in Davao City. This milk tea shop opened last August 2013. Since I was free that afternoon and I was on search for a milk tea, this was a perfect time for me to try their product.

Inside Top Tea
The place is quite small and when I entered this store, it was crowded. I almost couldn't find a seat for me to place my bag but good thing I found vacant place at the back. The lights were colorful and it's why I took a picture of it. The crew was friendly to me and I took time on choosing the milk tea. The great thing is, they have a fast Wi-Fi connection which made me a satisfied customer! :D

Caramel Milk Tea and Red Velvet Cupcake
The Serving:
For my milk tea, I chose the Caramel Milk Tea and for the sizes, I chose small. In their milk tea, they have pearls and to be honest, I wasn't expecting pearls to be in my milk tea but it's alright though. It's priced at 55 Pesos. Top Tea doesn't just serve milk tea but they also have cupcakes! I chose Red Velvet Cupcake. Top Tea's version of cupcake has frosting on top with red sprinkles (whom I don't know the name). It's placed on a paper plate and they have a plastic fork which made me surprised! I thought they'll gonna place the cupcake on a saucer with a stainless steel fork. I do hope they'll improve with this one. Price: 45 Pesos.

The Taste:
I actually love the Caramel Milk Tea! It's quite sweet but I could still taste the tea which made me happy. The pearls were easy to chew and to be honest, I love chewing pearls! The Red Velvet Cupcake tasted good but it's nothing special really. The frosting helped a little in sweetness. I was expecting to be blown away with it but it's better to have one than nothing.

Overall, I had a nice experience with this place as I was having fun surfing the internet with their fast Wi-Fi connection. Although the place really was small, I got a great seat and had a "me" time with my phone and my milk tea and cupcake. :D

Adios! Thanks for reading!

To know more about Top Tea, click the link below:
Top Tea on Facebook


  1. Nice place...for some it's very refreshing tea with milk or crushed ice. Refreshing place indeed!

  2. I love milk tea and that cupcake looks so good, I hope it's delicious. And yeah, that plastic fork and paper plate is a somewhat of a turn-off. :)

  3. I have never tried milk tea ever but would like to try one if i see one.

  4. I love milk tea, I haven't tried caramel milk tea yet, but any milk tea, am sure I'll love. ") My favorite is ube milk tea :)

  5. I also love milk tea and it is good that there are now so many to choose from.

  6. Give me a piece of red velvet cupcake, please. I can make do with just regular hot tea :-)

  7. I have been hearing a lot about that milk tea! I should try that someday soon! :D

  8. THe red velvet cupcake looks so good, perfect for an afternoon dessert/snack.

  9. I love anything about tea. The place is so inviting.

  10. Seems like you find a nice place for Milk Tea lovers Jonas! I love the idea of a fast Wi-Fi Connection. :)

  11. I love drinking chai. I just brew my own green tea and mix with little low-fat milk and honey. Yum!

  12. I love small place and if there is a WiFi connection :-) I am in :-) The cupcake makes me drool as I just drink my cup of coffee too :-)

  13. Oh! Another milk tea shop. I hope they can make their customers happy. Because there are just too much milk tea shops but only a little number of them are exceptional. But on your blog, this seemed pretty fine. ^_^

  14. hi this is from toptea. Come on over. We're open everyday starting 12noon till midnight. We'd love to introduce you to our one of a kind drinks. See you here. :)

  15. This is one milk tea shop to watch out for.

    Thank you for a very informative review, Jonas.

    See you around ;)


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