Yano's Bistro: Revamped, Remade, Reconquered!

March 19, 2016 - When I first visited Yano's Bistro last year, I was expecting to experience something different since they've promoted their discounted meals which it made me attracted to it. But, well, my expectations didn't even reached half of the bar. In other words, disappointed.

Good thing, my friend and current chef Choy led the revamping which I thought it's a great idea since I knew he can cook delicious meals that everyone will be satisfied about it. :D

After I took pictures in San Pedro Square and a disastrous snack buffet at Grand Men Seng Hotel (what happened guys?), me and my friend Karen deserved a delicious meal that could bring us to justice. Hence, we went to Matina Town Square (MTS).

To be honest, the decision of eating at Yano's Bistro was an abrupt one since we were choosing between Taste of Home and Keepsakes. Good thing, my mind suddenly remembered Yano's Bistro which we both agreed to pay a visit. :D

When we arrived at Yano's Bistro, there were no vacant seats thus, my friend chef Choy offered a seat outside first and we were made to order our dishes while waiting. After the table was vacated, we immediately occupied the space and ordered.

For those who don't know what Aglio e Olio is, 'aglio' is for garlic while 'olio' is for oil. Chef Choy told us that he used the small ones with long stems since it's more flavorful than the usual ones. What differs from this Aglio e Olio to the usual ones is, it's spicy and the idea of having it spicy made me excited! Thus I ordered this pasta dish. Price: 120 Pesos.

The pasta was cooked al dente which is perfect since I prefer it that way (like, always!). It's healthier, firmer and guilt-free pasta. The taste was divine! I couldn't stop eating the pasta and it's perfect! The way the ingredients played on the plate did significant roles in the taste. The spiciness was circling around my mouth, the flavors were like meshed together flawlessly. Definitely, my favorite pasta to just eat and eat and... EAT! Whew! :D

My friend Karen ordered her usual pasta dish which is Carbonara. I can't deny that it's also a pasta dish that I would dig in. But what made me love in this version of Carbonara is the presentation itself since it attracted my eyes to stare at it. Price: 140 Pesos.

She said that the Carbonara was delicious and a lot different from the usual ones that she ate. The milk was just in the right amount that it wasn't overwhelmingly sweet. The fried bacon was tasty and the pasta was al dente which is a big plus! She was very satisfied and got stuffed. :D

I agree with it since it really tasted different (maybe because I ate my spicy pasta and it lingered in my mouth) but next time, I would love to taste the carbonara just to make sure if I was right or not. It's still a must try for those who love Carbonara so much. :D

For our drinks, we unanimously chose Calamansi and Mint since I had mouth sore that time and I needed Vitamin C to make my sore disappear faster thus this was the perfect choice of drink. Besides, it had mint on the drink which made everything better! Price: 45 Pesos.

I loved the Calamansi and Mint and it was a perfect marriage of sour and minty flavor of the drink given that calamansi brought out the sourness and the mint brought out something cool and yes, minty vibe of the drink. The drink did help ease my mouth sore. :D

If there's one dessert you should and must try, is the Fruits in Salty Crumbles a la Mode. I've tried Apple Crumble before and it was the bomb! And now, they have this sinful dessert that made my mouth water over it! As you can see in the pictures, there are two different servings with equal amount of proportions of the dessert.

There are two flavors to choose from: Hot Apple & Cinnamon with Caramel, and Sweetened Sab-a (Banana) with Jackfruit Syrup. Both of them are served with Vanilla Ice Cream. We chose the first one since it's the one that we've tried and got used to. Price: 95 Pesos.

This dessert was.. EUPHORIA! The hotness of the apple, cinnamon, and salty crumbles merged perfectly with the coldness of vanilla ice cream. Not just that, the saltiness of the crumble intertwined very well with the sweetness of the caramel. God! I just had to close my eyes and experience the party going on in my mouth! That was intense! Total food porn, baby! :D

First of all, thank you Yano's Bistro for the food which, they were just utterly, a perfection! To my friend and great chef Choy who cooked and accommodated us, just to feel relaxed despite in the middle of the Earth Hour. This dinner saved us and yes, our justice was rightly served. :D

And one more thing, YOU should try their food. Every single one of it. You'll never regret you chose to dine at Yano's Bistro. A must visit restaurant, deserving of a michelin star (well, I've exaggerated about this one but, who knows? It might happen soon! Naks!). Well, it's up to you to judge folks!

Thanks for reading!

If you want to know more about Yano's Bistro, just click the link below:

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