Norde International Distributors: Digital Printing in Davao City

Sept. 14, 2016 - Nowadays, digital printing is considered an "In" thing as it can do so much wonders that were impossible to do before. Therefore, it exceeded the expectations of many people that thinks that are shoot to the moon and what I've witnessed is a wonderland of digital printing where everything was just a thing of beauty! :D

Norde International Distributors opened their very first branch in Mindanao and luckily, it's just a walking distance to where I live! From my home, I just had to walk to their newest branch which is located beside Las Palmas Apartments.

Lulzbot Taz: Desktop 3D Printer
Part of the event was a tour in their newest branch which it featured digital printings. We were amazed on what we saw and we even thought to have our shirts printed right ahead! But what I gushed all about were their 3D Technology that could print the actual objects.

It's called Lulzbot Taz and it is a Desktop 3D Printer. I remembered seeing this printer when I was watching on YouTube and I thought it was amazing but seeing the printer in my own eyes got me in sparkles! :D

Closer look
What's amazing in this machine is the capability to print an object that we want and it delivers! But the downside though is the monotony of the color choice which it can't have more than one color to use. In our tour, it only used only one color which was blue.

Each object requires hours to be made. Some may go like for the whole day to be created depends on how intricate or big the object is. But what I love about the 3D printer is it can be touched and used in lessons especially that in education, I need objects that can be shown in my classes.

Taking a picture can also be done through 3D with the help of 3D camera. All of us were again amazed as Roxy, our fellow blogger was fortunate to be the model for that day (I know..). The thing was, the photographer has to get a picture in all dimensions just to make sure that there will be a 3D effect once the process has been made. We all witnessed how it was done after which, we continued with the tour inside their new branch.

Finished product
With Roxy and the image
Minutes later, we went back to see the result and indeed, her face was perfectly captured and it was in 3D! Each sides were perfectly captured and every dimension of her face was spot on! Although the color was a bit darker in the monitor but overall, the image looked great. I would love to try this one soon and if this is an "In" thing soon, well, I might as well do this! :D

Thank you Norde International for the tour in the newest branch! I'm sure that with the digital printing, everyone will ride the wave and will benefit on how great digital printing is! Thanks also to Karla Singson of PREP for organizing this event.

This was amazing and everything they have right now can greatly help clients who are into this trend. Leveling up in printing is greatly needed and Norde International is here in Davao to deliver them. Again, thank you! :D

Thanks for reading!

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