Thursday Escapades @ Abreeza and MTS

Chris texted me yesterday afternoon that they'll be at Abreeza around 6:30 to 7:30 and asked me if I could join them. So I said yes since my class ends at 7:30. I can't remember the exact text that I've sent to him but I saw him and his company anyway..

Let's start the drum rolling.... :D

When I arrived at Abreeza, I saw this..

It's an event from DCWired.

The event started last August 26 and ends in August 31, 2012.  The event consist of gadgets fair, tournament and cosplay. For the cosplayers, it's your time to SHINE!! :D

This is the online tournament on this event.

I called Chris on their location and he said that they're in Cafe Laguna but they bought something from Army Navy for me. I went straight to Cafe Laguna (but on the way to their location, I saw my cousins in Sbarro, eating the Great White, and lots of food! t'was so tempting! I had a few minute chat with them and went to Cafe Laguna) and I saw Chris, Fema and the company. It was so fun! The funny thing is, after I've arrived, we had to go buy tickets! And I didn't had the chance to eat my dinner (Oh well, I ate it after). After we bought our tickets, we went down to the ground floor where the 4D ride is. Chris and I didn't want to ride again because in our first experience, we were... bored.. but Fema and Ching were screaming! and I was wondering why they were screaming where in fact, I felt nothing. I wasn't scared or what. I dunno. Okay, we decided not to ride again. But while walking around Abreeza, I was already eating dinner that they bought for me from Army Navy! Yup, I was hungry. 

After their "thrilling" ride, we went to the cinemas and purchased a ticket. We watched the movie "The Campaign." It talks about 2 candidates for congressman in the US fighting for the spot in the position. The funny thing is, they would do anything they want for their opponents to have a bad image of each other. The dialogues were funny too! but it is rated R-13 which means, only those who aged 13 and above may enter the cinema. It contains language that are not appropriate for small children. So, it's better to watch another movie if you're with the child.

While waiting, I took some pictures for me to keep occupied. :D

Madhatter's. I haven't tried their milk tea. Though I have tried Tealoca and 360 degrees Milk Tea. 

Cinema 2. This is where we watched the movie "The Campaign"

From left to right: Fema, Chris, Arman, Chai and Ching. I used two cameras by the way while taking this picture. It saves time. Try it! :D

After watching the movie, we decided to go to MTS and.. EAT! :D (But I didn't eat since I'm already full..)

This is their menu where we ordered our pizza. (2 orders of pizza.)

The Coke.. :D

My mango shake! It's so yummy! I tell you, You have to try this! ;)

For those who don't know, this is the 2nd order of pizza. The first one was unfortunately, I wasn't able to take a shot of it. They attacked the pizza once it was served to us. Hehe! :D

The Lights! :D

Well, this is it! Overall, the day was fun! It was filled with laughter and FOOD! Hope to see this guys again.. soon! :D

I still have 1 more entry and they're entirely macro shots. It's one of my hobby that I really miss so much! Just wait.. :D

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