SKYcable Introduces Genre-based Channels..

Last September 19, 2012, SKYcable held a press conference at D'Leonor Hotel to formally launch the "Genre-based" channels. It means that they're grouped together according to what genre they belong to. It offers easy access to the favorite channels that you want and also the convenience for the viewers in searching for the channel that they want to watch. 

But it is not only that they've changed the order of channels, they're also promoting the SKYcable HD which promises not just clearer resolution but a more entertaining shows which the HD channels can offer. It also requires an HD subscription and HD box for you to enjoy the shows that are exclusive for HD channels.

Here are some photos of this event.

They gave us a sample on what an HD channel looks like. It has a clearer resolution and it offers entertaining shows that are different from the regular channels.

The event is also called the OC System which means "Organized Channel" System.

They're launching the latest service innovation which is the OC. The best thing is, they pioneered in Davao!
 This is now the OC System that the SKYcable introduced. You can click the pictures to enlarge. :D

These are now the genres introduced in the OC system.

Here are the benefits of the OC System. 

The OC System that they're promoting right now promises that every subscriber can have the same channel wherever they are in the country just to avoid confusion. 

Review: OC System does ease the confusion for the viewers on where to find their favorite channel as it is already grouped in their respective genres. Unlike before that it's disorganized, with the OC System, you can locate them easily. It is a good move for SKYcable to organize the channels with all the hard work they did just for the convenience of the customers. 

If you want some information about SKYcable, you can click the link below.

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