Conti's: Lovin' It!

Last October 31 2012, my brother from Manila brought home some "pasalubongs" and of course, since we already have Krispy Kreme here in Davao, I'm excited of what he brought for us and I'm sure, it's something new to crave on.

I've got to say, their bars are so good! It's like you want a piece of them all over again! 
Price: 160+ Pesos.

My favorite among the bars is the Butterscotch. Well, it's always my favorite since. What I love in the butterscotch is its sweetness and I'm addicted to it. :D

But it's not just the bars that are addictive, these mini cupcakes also caught my attention. 

These array of cupcakes looks delicious and by alternating the arrangement of cupcakes by color, it's a feast to my eyes! 

They were so delicious and my personal favorites are butterscotch for bars and lemon-flavored cupcakes. I hope they'll have a branch here in Davao so that it'll be near for me to buy their delicious desserts. Indulge! :D

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you're seriously making me drool now! I love Conti's sweets!


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