Macro Shots...

I have this hobby of taking macro shots out of ordinary things that I found interesting. Well, I've been doing this few years ago after learning the tricks of doing macro shots. Since then, I've loved taking pictures of small things and make them look big.. and awesome! :D

I have here a collection of pictures of things that are... small in nature but with the magic of macro shots, anything can happen! :D

All of the pictures that I will present are the things that I found in my mom's room. Whenever I found something interesting, I waste no time to take a picture of it, finding every possible angle that could be a perfect shot. I'm just using my digicam while taking pictures. :D

Well, here they are!

I hope you like it! :D


  1. We have the same hobby sir. haha. taking macro shots on some random things.. xD

  2. It's fun right! I'll post a new set soon. :D

  3. I do love taking pictures and I do experiment them using the different angle of focus. But I have no idea yet what is this macro shot... analyzing from your uploaded pictures here. 'They are all taken in a closed up. Is this how macro shot is done?


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