Yamamomo Cheesecake @ The White House Cuisine

The White House

June 14, 2013 - After a heavy dinner at Bulgogi Brothers - SM Lanang Premier, I decided to eat the Yamamomo Cheesecake at The White House. Since I love cheesecakes and I'm curious about this resto, this is a new place to explore for a gastronomic adventurer like me! But why The White House?

Inside the restaurant
Well, since this place was featured on Kris TV, I got curious on how it looks like. I knew the existence of this house and its history. But what I want to know is how they've converted this White House into a classy restaurant. For a gastronomic adventurer, this place is something worth to find out.

My table
About this restaurant, this was already built around 1930's by a Scottish expatriate and the place reminded him of his hometown. The scene itself is a beauty to behold. For many years, this house was left untouched until last year when they converted this house into a restaurant which specializes Japanese-French fusion.

While waiting for my cheesecake to be served, I asked one of their staff to tour me around the house. I got a bit excited to finally have a look on what's on the 2nd floor. 

Here's the 2nd floor

The 2nd floor consists of 3 separate dining rooms. Its function is to accommodate more guests when it's on peak time. What I like about their furniture is mostly made of wood. Most of the house is purely original and they just made a little touch ups to make it more beautiful. The 2nd picture is the dining room on the left. The thing that I like in this place is they've maximized every corner of  this restaurant. They've wasted nothing but they've saved a lot of money as they've retained the original design of the house and kept that way. 

The 3rd picture on the bottom left is the dining room on the right. It's a bit smaller but it's better to have one. They also have a balcony where they can accommodate more diners in this restaurant. I love this space as it sets like a romantic mood for the diners and at the same time, enjoy their delicious meals in the table.

Since I had a heavy dinner at Bulgogi Brothers, it's better to cap off the night with a dessert. I didn't sneak on their full course menu since I only want a dessert.

I chose Yamamomo Cheesecake which is a Vanilla Cheesecake. Why I chose this dessert? Well, since this cheesecake got featured on Kris TV, I couldn't help but to stare at it. It looked so delicious and mouthwatering.

Since that episode, I was always wishing that someday, I'll have the chance to try this delectable dessert and blog about it! And finally, after a week of waiting, The Yamamomo Cheesecake will be in my tummy! :D

Yamamomo Cheesecake
This is the Yamamomo Cheesecake. It's also known as the Vanilla Cheesecake. It's topped with Yamamomo and Mixed Berries Compote set on Green Tea Dacquoise and Orange Caviar. They use real vanilla beans for this dessert. The syrup surrounding the cheesecake is a stevia syrup. It also has sliced strawberries at the tip of the cheesecake and the tarragon leaves in front.

This cheesecake is actually the Top 3 in the Philippines and this cheesecake also happens to be the favorite of Kris Aquino. Will this be my favorite too? :D

Price: 320 Pesos (whew!)

Closer look.
First bite of this cheesecake was like a "BOOM!". It was so delicious! I have tried lots of cheesecakes and although they are also delicious, the impact of this Yamamomo Cheesecake was something different. It tells me that I ate the real cheesecake. The mixed berries compote was a great combination with the cheesecake. I've tried the Yamamomo berry (on top) and I find the taste alright though but take note, I'm a fan of berries! :D

The surprising thing was, the strawberry and the cheesecake's combination of flavors were great too! The sourness of strawberry and the sweet taste of cheesecake complemented each other and it's like the flavors were neutralized.  I also combined the stevia syrup with the cheesecake and I find it delicious too! I tasted the stevia syrup itself and it has an interesting flavor though I can't describe it but it was really good! 

I also had fun with the orange poppers (caviar). When I ate them, it literally popped in my mouth, bursting with so much flavor! I finished the green tea dacquoise last after I ate the cheesecake. It was sweet but not too sweet for me to have a toothache. Overall, this cheesecake was a blast! 

After eating the Yamamomo Cheesecake, I had the chance to take a look on what's in the kitchen.
It's just bordered with glass so I can witness on how they cook their delicious meals and delectable desserts!

This is The White House staff. They were so accommodating and entertained several questions about this restaurant, the cheesecake itself, business after they got featured on Kris TV, and so much more!

Kudos to this staff! They were so friendly and they always smile even I was just looking at them. I like it that way! :D

Chef Justin - The man behind the Yamamomo Cheesecake
But I had one more thing on my mind and it's to talk the man behind the Yamamomo Cheesecake. I tried to request the staff if I can talk to him and she gladly agreed since it's his day off. I've got to thank him for the delicious cheesecake that I just ate and appreciate his work on it.

Finally, I've got to meet Chef Justin in flesh! I thanked him for the work he has done. I talked to him about the cheesecake being featured in Kris TV, how it fared to other cheesecakes and so much more. He said that their cheesecake was already popular even before it got featured on television. But after Kris Aquino's visit, it doubled the popularity. Some may even take it home! To Chef Justin, thank you so much for the Yamamomo Cheesecake! This made my day so happy!

Well, this day was indeed a gastronomic adventure! A heavy lunch at the office, heavy and delicious dinner at Bulgogi Brothers and a delectable dessert at White House. I've got to tell you, this adventure only happens once in a lifetime but I did surely made this day worth it! The question is, what shall I conquer next? :D

Au Revoir! 
Thanks for reading! 

If you want to know more about The White House on Facebook, just click the link below:

You can also visit their website by clicking the link below:
The White House Cuisine

If you want to watch the Kris TV episode of Yamamomo Cheesecake, click the link below:
Kris TV - Yamamomo Cheesecake Episode


  1. Wow I would also love to try that Yamamomo cheesecake! Your descriptions compel me to finish it to tad bits! Yummy ♥

  2. You got me at "cheesecake" WOW! The presentation is stunning! Must try to visit their place, soon! Yun nga lang, ang layo from where we live :(

  3. I wonder what Yamamo means but that's not too important, the bottom line, that cheesecake looks really delicious.

  4. The layout of the restaurant looks excellent. The way the food is presented makes it more delicious. For me, what makes a restaurant extra special is the friendliness of the staff.

    1. Correct. It's the friendliness of the staff that counts. Thanks for reading! :D

  5. yamamoto cheesecake. i will try it soon, mukhang masarap talaga eh!

  6. There's also a Bulgogi brothers in Makati and I like their food. I'm curious about the dessert alternatives in the white house.

  7. I think I saw "The White House" here, I'm just not sure! But if there is one, I'd surely try that Yamamomo Cheesecake, it's mouthwatering :D

  8. second floor looks amazing! perfect for those big partied and celebrations! The interiors and everything looks so nice! love the ambience!

    1. It is amazing. In fact I was surprised that there were more spaces when I went there! :D

  9. The location of this place got me all curious --- and then, I find out that it's in Davao! *sad face* I might not be able to go to Davao anymore (not anytime soon). Let alone pass up a chance to try this famed White House. Other than the chef behind the sumptuous-looking-cheesecake being "gwapo" and all, I would love to dine by the balcony. I'm a sucker for al fresco dining. :)

    1. Awww.. We really want to see you here and have a food trip. But if you can catch a Piso fare, go grab it and malay mo, we'll have a mini FBW Bloggers Meet! :D

  10. I love cheesecake so this restaurant should be a piece of heaven for me :D and the chef is surprisingly so young!

  11. The cheesecake- oh so mouth-watering! The ambiance of the place is very relaxing.

  12. That cheesecake looks so delicious that I'm now trying to think of ways to go to this place. Ahh, the lengths we go to for good food...

  13. really like the place!! and that cheesecake looks so good!!

  14. Gaaaaaaah! look at that cheesecake!! it looks delish!! makes me want to visit this place now and buy lots of cheesecakes!! :)

    1. Even a slice of this cheesecake is already enough for me but I want to eat this cheesecake at least, once a month or a year? :D

  15. That's one pricey cheesecake yet others would really die for it just to get a bite. ^_^

    1. It's really pricey but it's worth naman.. And I'm one of the others that wants to bite this delicious cheesecake! :D

  16. I'm not a fan of cheesecakes that much but this Yamamomo specialty looks so delectable. I just want to try even a little bite of it... Such a mouth-watering sweet indulgence.

  17. Wow! fine dining, I am not at ease at this but trying the cheesecake is another story. Seems deli kaya lang medyo pricy.

    1. Pricey nga talaga. I was in shock that it's so expensive than I've expected.

  18. OMG! The place looks really refreshing and amazingly classy. And for sure, Kris wouldn't be featuring their cheesecake if it wasnt one of the best in the country! :)

  19. Nagutom ako bigla sa Yamamomo Cheesecake! Might try this out on my Davao trip! =)

    1. You should try it. When will you arrive here in Davao? hehe! :D

  20. I'd love to try the Yamamomo Cheesecake. The place looks so fancy and very intriguing. Will definitely put this on my bucket list! :)

  21. I loved so much the plating, it made me crave to have some try. I'll put that as my next cup of tea and I'll start saving some penny right now. so much loved the plating, thumbs up!

    1. Thanks! I also love the plating of their cheesecake. In fact, it's one of the best plating for a cheesecake. :D

  22. I like that the place looks like an old house which makes it really a nice ambiance with a traditional flare.

  23. this is really an amazing place,nice share bro.

  24. Oh God! My sweet tooth!!!

    The food looks really good plus the man behind them, the Chef, is so good-looking. I wonder if he's single. LOL! :D

    I hope to visit this place one day.

    1. Go ask him! haha! But I tell you he is a great person.

  25. it's very easy to remember.. yamamomo. hehe. the chef seems tasty. lol! anyway, the house looks cool!


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