Yummy Kakanins!

June 1, 2013 - When the Banahaw Heals Spa Davao had its soft opening last June 1, host Maricar Boholst served us the delicious kakanins after the massage. I think it was a great treat for us after the massage since all of us got hungry and we want something for our tummy. :D

Yummy Kakanins
Kakanins are Filipino desserts that are usually served during snack time our special occasions. For this event, we were served with Palitaw, Sapin-sapin and Biko. Each box costs 150 Pesos and it's just so plenty! :D

Palitaw is one of the kakanins that I love to eat. When eating palitaw, it has to be combined with a sugar to have a real taste of this kakanin. If it happens that you eat palitaw without sugar, it bears no taste at all and to combine with sugar is just so delicious! You can put and spread lots of sugar with it but in my case, I have to put just the right amount of sugar.

This is Sapin-sapin. It's a tri-colored dessert (yellow, white and blue) and one of the popular kakanins here in the Philippines. It's usually sticky but attractive to look at. This is a must try kakanins because it's just so delicious! No words can be described with Sapin-sapin as the taste says it all (In short, I have nothing to say! :D)

While I recognized the 2 kakanins on the spot, I noticed another kakanin to my right and it looks so different. When the owner told me that it's biko, I was pleasantly surprised and amazed at the same time. The biko I've known is served in a plate or tupperware with "latik" on top. This version of biko is served in small sizes with grated coconut on top. With all the bikos I've tried, this one is on top of my list. It has a different taste that made me want to eat more and crave for it. In short, indulging! :D

and thanks for reading!

If you want to make an order, just call/text this number:
- (082) 284-18-81/ 0932-129-86-54

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Banahaw Heals Spa Davao

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Website    - Banahaw Heals Spa


  1. I'm drooling right now, hahaha ... those kakanin really looks yummy :)

  2. Palitaw! Ohmigosh. those are my fave. I always make sure that I bought one or two pcs whenever it's available in our univ. canteen.

  3. Only one place I would remember when speaks of Kakanin, and that's Jaltan, :) We love sapin-sapin and palitaw, hope we could buy those here in KL.

  4. i totally miss eating this kakanin! though some of this as well is sold in the mall by malaysians and not pinoys which makes me more like feel to eat it more!

  5. I once thought that kakanins are only unique to the Filipinos but when I went to Malaysia and Indonesia, I was surprised that their locals also sell kakanins and some are different from ours.


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