Eclairs By Cecil's Snack Inn & Bakeshoppe

June 3, 2013 - Last week when my mom, sister April and my niece Jazz went to a meeting, I decided to have a quick snack at Cecil's, Sta. Ana branch since my sister has to go back to school just to "time out" and at the same time, fetch my sister Mae and Jerome.

Cecil's is one of the popular bakeshop here in Davao City and they're known to have desserts that are so affordable and at the same time, delicious! For this entry, I'll talk about their Eclairs. 

Eclairs by Cecil's
Eclairs is one of the desserts that I love to eat. I remember eating this one before and it was divine! I couldn't help but to feast on it. Whenever I look at Eclairs, I always think of the cream filling inside and the chocolate on top that makes the dessert so perfect! At Cecil's, this dessert is always available and the best part is, it's affordable! How affordable? It's just 25 Pesos. :D

Closer look
This version of Eclairs is just so delicious with its cream filling inside and the chocolate on top, it makes the perfect combination of an affordable dessert. It's best to eat Eclairs using fork since eating it with hands is just too messy to handle. I've tried it many times and the chocolate is just anywhere in my hands and the cream filling oozes out although it was fun! But I tell you, it's not a pretty sight. You have to try this dessert and you won't regret this one. It's a YUUUUM! :D

Au Revoir and thanks for reading! :D

If you want to know more about Cecil's, just click the link below:

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