From Hollywood to Davao: Hollywood Burgers @ Gaisano Mall of Davao

November 3, 2014 - This is the second part of my 'Monday Suroy' and the one to remember. To be honest, I love burgers and what would be the best way to eat them is when you're super hungry that your tummy would cry for food! Since, I'm an obedient servant to my tummy, I have to grant its request to be fed and without second thoughts, I went to Hollywood Burgers for the first time to try their burger. Exciting! :D

Hollywood Burgers!
Since the opening of this restaurant, customers and burger lovers flocked Hollywood Burgers to try out their burgers. Since then, it became a household name and now, visiting this store for the first time is something that I will cherish. First visit will always be the memorable ones! :D

Pictures inside Hollywood Burgers

To be honest, inside this restaurant made me feel like I was transported to Hollywood seeing the wall that is dominated with celebrities, the colors made the atmosphere like I'm in an American resto complete with a red wall on the left and black & white wall on the other side, red ceiling lamps, red bar, red leather chairs, with yellow accent. In short, overwhelming!

But the downside was the warmth inside the resto which made me sweat and it's the reason why they have electric fans to spread the cool air all over the place. I requested to be seated near the electric fan for me to be comfortable while eating my burger. :D

The Director's Chair
What makes this resto complete are numerous director's chair being used as a dining chair. Every chair has a name of a Hollywood artist who made the name in the entertainment industry. The good thing is, it's an instant eye-candy for me but the bad thing is, I didn't experience it. Oh well, there's always next time. They can't fly right? :D

Table Name
What makes this restaurant unique? The table names! Each table has a name after a street. This is an advantage and creative since this would not create confusion to the waiters and customers alike especially when delivering an order. And the background color happened to be my favorite color! Awesome indeed! :D

Special Treat
I wanted to try just the Hollywood Burger since it's the most affordable of all at 99 Pesos. Instead, the waiter suggested that I have to try the Special Treat which consists of a Hollywood Burger, Fries and a drink. Good thing, I had plenty of money and stomach growling, I did the bravest thing which was to try it! It's priced at 150 Pesos.

Closer look..
When my order arrived at my table, I was happy since the fries were plentiful and I could say that the price I paid was worth it! This Hollywood Burger consists of beef patty, a slice of tomato, onion and lettuce with mayonnaise. I added ketchup for more flavor.

The fries were noticeably a bit thicker than ordinary fries and it was a bit salty but I managed to finish them since it was also delicious. The beef patty was cooked 'well done' and I'm pretty much a fan of it since I want to eat a burger that has a patty which is cooked right. It's tasty, juices were oozing which is a great sight! I've expected this burger to be oily and used a lot of table napkins because of it. :D

Overall, my meal was awesome! The burger was just so juicy and simply delicious with onions, tomatoes and lettuce! They've added more taste and take note, it just took four ingredients to make a great burger! Overall, I loved it! And would love to munch their burger again.. If time permits.. :D

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi Jonas! Just found you in Let's Blog Together. I'm from Cebu though.
    I love your photos. What's the camera that you're using? I think it's tricky to get a juicy burger these days. That burger must be really good. Just some burger I've tried are just so dry. I'm not a burger fan but the way you describe what you just had, it made me crave for burgers. :-)

    I'll keep this place in mind when I visit Davao.

    1. Thanks! They really are juicy. Burgers here in Davao are cooked fresh and the patties are really juicy so you're guaranteed that a juicy burger will be served on your table. ;)

      If you're here in Davao you should also try Backyard Burgers. They're really good too! But you've got to try this one first..

      BTW, I'm using Samsung EK GC100. :D

  2. Oh by the way, where is this located?

  3. I have been passing this place a lot pag pumupunta kami sa Gmall, but my kid would always suggest the usual Jolibee or Mcdo. Maybe someday when it's only me and hubby, we'll try eating at the place.

    Hope you visit my new site Arezzo Place Davao :

    1. That would be great! If you like their burgers, you might as well invite your kiddos to try them. :D

  4. wow! that burger in the picture is making me starve! i'll try that one when I visit DVO.

    1. You have to try their burgers.. Also visit Backyard Burgers. They're also good! :D


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